Wednesday, January 30, 2008

So sweet!

I sadly do not have a picture to go along with this, but I intend to take one and post it! Last night Atticus was really interested in the baby. Usually whenever I ask him if he wants to feel the baby kicking he says no and runs away. Last night however was different. When the baby started kicking I asked him and he said yes. He came over and got in bed with me and put his hand on my tummy and when the baby kicked he looked at me with this look that is hard to describe...kinda like he was freaked out that there really is something in there. The second time the baby kicked I said thats the baby and he said, "thats awesome!" It was so cute! I started to tear up because it was so neat to see him really connect with the baby. Also ever since then he has been talking a lot about his baby sister. (no, we have not found out what the baby's sex is but he has said from the beginning that he is having a baby sister). I am really excited that he is excited and can't wait until he can actually see and hold his baby sister/brother, I know that he will be an amazing big brother!


Ang said...

That is so sweet...I can't wait to see him with the baby :)

FrankNApril said...

Thats very sweet! Luv em! April