Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Check ups...

Atticus is a healthy growing boy! He is 3ft 4in and 36 lbs. He was really nervous about getting his flu shot (we are doing his immunizations next month). The second it was over he looked at me and said, "Oh, that was ok." Haha. Hopefully next month he will remember that it wasn't as bad as he thought.

Harper J is growing and healthy too! She is 17 lbs even and 25 inches long. She did really well up until the shots. Poor baby!

Just a cute picture I took of the kids over the weekend. I love how much they love being together! <3.

After the Doc apt we went to Smiths to get gas, and we payed....$1.97/gal!! NICE! Oh,and I dyed my hair black over the weekend. I love it! Pictures to come soon.

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